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Camp: Ucaima
* Location 
Canaima national park, on the Carrao River.

* How to get there 
By air to Canaima. From there, land transfer to the embarkation point some 10 minutes away, then a crossing of about 15 minutes in dug-out canoe to the camp on the banks of the Carrao River.

* Introduction

To the North of the Parque Nacional Canaima (Canaima National Park) in the Bolívar State, two kilometers away from the famous Laguna de Canaima (Canaima Lagoon), on the edge of the Carrao River, you’ll find the marvelous tourist jungle camp site established in 1956 by the legendary Rudolf Truffino, also know as JUNGLE RUDY, who, enchanted by the beauty of the region, decided to settle there with his wife, and reveal to millions around the world the pristine secrets and monuments of nature. He named the small camp UCAIMA, a word of Pemon origin that means: “what lures.”

Today, the family tradition continues in care of his daughters, for the enjoyment of the visiting tourists, since its beginning and for the times to come.
So, be one of the chosen few and come witness the beauty that only UCAIMA can offer… You’ll never be the same!

The camp comprises 5 beautiful “cabañas” with comfortable bedrooms: 10 double, 2 triple and 2 single; private bath, balcony with “hamaca” (hammock), excellent ventilation, and surrounded by the unique natural scenery
* Characteristics 
This camp was one of the pioneers in adventure tourism in the country and many people know it by the name Rudy's Jungle, in honor of its founder.
Visitors are attended to by the family of the legendary Rudy Truffino. It is located on the banks of the Carrao River, where you can enjoy a refreshing dip as well as the tranquility and privacy the camp offers. The surrounding landscaped consists of savannah and jungle, typical of the Gran Sabana, with its imposing tepuis in the distance. Diverse half-day excursions are offered to different falls such as Mayupa, El Sapo, El Hacha, Sabanero, and the Moroco River. Visits to indigenous communities and to obtain handicrafts from them. Price includes lodging in double room, land and river transfers between airport-camp, all meals, welcome cocktail, and
excursion to Salto El Sapo.
* Recomendations 
It is necessary to bring identification documents, cédula or passport, light clothing appropriate for the climate and excursions, sweater for the evenings, bathing suit sun screen, mosquito repellent, hat or cap, shoes than can get wet (or 2 pairs of sneakers), camera, flashlight, binoculars, etc.
* Facilities 
This camp, with a maximum capacity of 26, has 4 cabins with 6 double rooms, 4 triples and 1 matrimonial. Each room has fans, private bathroom, and a small porch with hammocks. The central house has restaurant and bar, where breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served with typical Venezuelan meat, fish, salads, etc.

Para Mayor Información Escriba a o a los Teléfonos Canaima: Telefax:+58-286-962.23.59 o a Caracas por: Telefax:+58-212-693.06.18 / 693.08.25

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Campament: Akopán
In Canaima national park, in the eastern sector of the Gran Sabana, Km.
140, on the El Dorado-Santa Elena de Uairén highway.

Campament: Anaconda
Las Claritas, Km. 85 vía Santa Elena de Uairén.

Campament: Arekuna
At the meeting point of the Antabares and Caroní Rivers, in Canaima
national park.

Campament: Caurama
North-east of the State, reserva forestal Caura (Caura Forest Reservation).

Campament: Chivatón
Canaima national park, in the eastern side of La Gran Sabana, in the road to
Kavanayén Km. 24

Campament: Diamante Inn
South of Lake Guri, in the banks of the river Paragua, 500 m. from La

Camp: Hamaca
Canaima national park, behind the camp of Hoturvensa

Camp: Kamoirán 
Road to La Gran Sabana, 178 th Km. 

Camp: Mantopai
In Canaima national park only 20 km, from Kavanayén.

Camp: Río Caura
In the Amazon forest reserve of the Caura River, close to the community of
Las Trincheras.

Camp: Tomás Bernal
Anatoly island, Canaima national park.

Camp: Turístico Gran Sabana 
Las Claritas, Km. 85, on the route Ciudad Guayana-Santa Elena de Uairén.

Camp: Wentuna
Of the road to La Gran Sabana, 303th km.

Camp: Yokore
Yokore island, Puerto Jabillal, Caura River.

Camp: Canaima
Canaima Lagoon in Canaima national park.

Camp: Chimantá
In the center of El Paují, in the south of the state, along the frontier with

Camp: El Paují
In the center of El Paují, on the Plaza Bolívar.

Camp: Hato las Nieves
In the Serranía de la Cerbatana, in the western part of the state, near Apure
and Amazonas.

Camp: Kavac
North of Kamarata in Canaima national park.

Camp: Kawaik
10 km. from the village of El Paují, in the southern part of the state, along
the frontier with Brazil.

Camp: Marypak
In the center of El Paují, at the south of the state, near the frontier with

Uruve Camp
Located in the Uruve valley, southeast of Ciudad Bolívar, in Canaima
national park

Camp: Wareipa
Canaima national park

Camp: Wei - More
On the edge of Los Altos de El Paují, at the south of the state, along the
frontier with Brazil.

Camp: Wuey Tepuy
In the village of Canaima, behind the Hotur-vensa camp, in Canaima
national park.

Camp: Ya - Koo
3 km. from Santa Elena de Uairén, on the way toward Sampay.


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